Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Wishes and Regrets

There's a lot of things I "wish" for.

I wish I hadn't gotten into credit card debt.
I wish I had kept that stupid Saturn and paid the durn thing off.
I wish I had saved more money.
I wish I had more patience with kids.

I feel like if all the above had happened, I'd be in a much better place right now. Less irritated, perhaps. I wouldn't be worried about paying down debt (though, honestly, I'm really not WORRIED about it, I just want it gone).

But honestly, that's it. Regrets? Got none.


Because I live life with no regrets.

I don't REGRET my credit card debt. It made me realize the value of a dollar. To those of you *cough*myparents*cough* who don't have to get $20k in the hole to figure this out, then kudos to you. I did. I'm grateful I was smart enough not to rack up more than I could afford to pay each month (ie: I pay WAY more than the minimums, even though I can't pay off the full balance)

My Saturn was a good car. And Lawd how I took its gas mileage and $1.25/gallon gas for granted! But if I hadn't traded her in, I wouldn't have gone down the line to get ALexus. Which I adore, is much more spacious and whose gas mileage is actually still pretty decent. I'm pretty sure ALexus is in this for the long haul. She's mah be-be.

Saving money. Again, the value of a dollar. I see people who have a crap ton of money "saved" and it does em no good cause they're too paranoid to spend it. *cough*myparents*cough* Saved money is good- a few months' worth of income is best- but I'm convinced that you can save too much just like you can spend too much.

Patience with kids. Yeah. I think I probably have juuuust enough. Probably what I shoulda said is I wish I wanted more kids. Cause then I'd get to experience nursing and stuff again. But you couldn't pay me enough to shell out all the money I've already shelled out on another human being again. Ever. (And if you question the validity of that statement, I'd direct you to previous blogs wherein I describe my issues with selfishness lol)

I guess the moral of this post is: MODERATION.

Spending? Moderation
Saving? Moderation
Cars? Moderation
Kids? For the love of Pete, MOD-ER-A-SHON (I'm lookin' at you, Michelle Duggar)

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