I'm big into dream interpretation. Why?I don't know. Well, that's not true. I have a theory. My theory is I hate not knowing why things happen. And I REALLY hate my subconscious. (Since dreams are supposed to be a manifestation of what your subconscious mind is filing away) Like, why the hell can't my subconscious just come out with it? If I'm harboring some deep rooted insecurity JUST. FREAKING. TELL ME. Don't give me some crazy, wild-A dream so I wake up and spend hours Googling the meaning of "freaking in the haze with a purple hippo". Balls up and tell my conscious mind WTF is going on.
/end rant
*deep breath*
So last night I dreamed that I was back in high school. Band to be more exact. But even though I was 11 years back in time, the events going on were modern (ie: Prince William and Duchess Kate make an appearance. Don't worry. It gets better.) Apparently it's an away game since a school bus was involved, but it was also the first game of the season. (We're gonna chalk up the "football" portion of the dream to the fact that there's like 50-some days left till college football season kicks off and I'm a hot mess of withdrawal right now) Enter Mandy... flipping the F out b/c I can't find my uniform. EEEERYBODY'S got their uniform but Mandy. The always responsible, never forgot anything ONCE in 4 years of Marching Band Mandy.
And it's not just ANY uniform. Oh no, if that were the case, I could just grab a spare. No it's my DRUM MAJOR uniform (Yes, I was a drum major. Queen of the Band Nerds. And I loved it. Don't judge me.)
I feel it's important to note here that in real life I was a drum major only during my senior year, therefore I only ever owned and had need for ONE uniform. And drum majors get a different uniform every year. (Unlike the band which keeps the same ones year after year)
But here I am, flipping out on the bus b/c I can't find my gotdang uniform from LAST YEAR. Furthermore, I just KNEW that I had purposely LEFT said uniform on the bus for safekeeping (WTF? Safe? On a school bus? And the SMELL!?!? EEWWWW) Well lo and behold I FIND IT. And I'm all "See?!? I KNEW I left it here!" And then Dream Mandy was smart enough to say "Oh geeze. I hope it doesn't reek." My next thought was "OH NO! I hope it still fits!" (Aaaand I'ma chalk THAT one up to me being obsessed with my weight) And then my last thought was "Wait. I'm supposed to have a new uniform for the new season." and I turn to the band director and say "Where's my new uniform?" To which he replies "Uh... You haven't been fitted for it yet." "I haven't?" I say. "Nooo... that's why I'm wondering why you're so worried about last year's uniform." I said "Well everyone else is out there in THEIR uniforms. I'd look pretty freakin' stupid if I was directing them in JEANS and a TSHIRT" (Duhhhh.)
My high-school boyfriend was in the dream too. (That's not unusual, he and I are actually still REALLY good friends to this day and talk all the time.) So he was there in the background of the whole thing and once I'm dressed everyone starts telling us "You two look JUST LIKE Prince William and Kate. JUST. LIKE. THEM."
Y'all, the last time I checked. Kate had WAAAAY better style than a drum major uniform from 1998. Granted, it was a snappy uniform, but still. Kate? Really?
Hell I didn't care. I looked like a Pretty, Pretty Princess. Everybody said so, so it must be true. I was grinnin ear to ear.
And then I woke up.
So the only conclusions I've been able to draw from all of this are:
1. Mandy without her College Football is like Peanut Butter without Jelly.
2. I wanna be a princess.
3. I follow Wills and Kate WAAAYYY too much on People.com
4. I SERIOUSLY need to work on that whole "vanity" thing. It's gonna be the death of me.
and finally
5. Don't be a hero. Take your frickin' sleeping pill so this crap don't happen again.
Any other conclusions are most welcome.
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