Friday, August 10, 2012

It's Been So Long

First the good news: I'm back to (mostly) sleeping again and eating regularly. Also, Zumba's about to pick up to 3 times a week and then I'll have a hot bod just in time for winter.

Now the bad news: I don't get to go back to Minnesota till after Christmas. BUT when I do go, CJ is coming with me. So I'm happy about that. She can't wait to build a snowman and make snowangels and catch snowflakes and most of all, SEE LUKE.

Let's see... what else is going on? Ed and I are doing great. We're excited to get remarried, but not in a hurry. We've learned a little patience over the last few years.

CJ starts school in a week. Yeesh, where'd the time go? She's all ready for it though. Her school supplies have been bought and I got her some new clothes today. She had her Kindergarten screening earlier this week and did "outstanding," so at least I'm not worried about her starting out behind.

I'm feeling... eh. Okay, I guess. I don't have a lot of energy and I still struggle with my issues, but things aren't worse. I guess I should take that and be happy.

Stay tuned. I hope to have lots of updates in the coming weeks from CJ starting school and life in general.


1 comment:

  1. I still really want to join you for zumba, Someday! Glad to hear all is well. :0)
